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Additional Links

If you're feeling pretty alone, here are a few places you can hear or listen or connect with other adoptees.

Woman Walking in the Field

AdopteesOn Podcast - Addiction Episodes

AdopteesOn is a wonderful podcast for and about adoptees. Host Haley Radke had a 5 episode run on addiction and it's a wonderful listen.

UPDATE: Miguel was recently on the podcast talking about the group.

Listen here: Miguel on AdopteesOn talking about Adoptees & Addiction.

Therapy Session

Adoptee Path To Recovery Meetings

Adoptee Paths to Recovery Support Meetings is a great bi-weekly meeting run by a professional with experience with adoption and addiction.


Birth parents and adoptive parents are welcome at the meeting.


It's held every other Tuesday and more info is here: National Association of Adoptees & Parents.



12 Step Groups

If you're new to recovery and are looking for support, we recommend reaching out to any of these fine 12 step groups.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

Sex Love Addiction

Gamblers Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous

Co-Dependents Anonymous Adult Adult Children of Alcoholics


A reminder: any adoptee facing any addiction is welcome at our meetings.




Resources: Resources

Paul Sunderland

Adoption & Addiction Lecture

This is a great lecture to get a basic understanding of the relationship between addiction and adoption.

Resources: HTML Embed

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